DIIV return to Berlin with their new album "Frog In Boiling Water".Over the last decade, DIIV have established themselves as one of rockmusic’s most fascinating bands, exploring new textures while pushingtheir songcraft forward in a way that continues to draw in largeraudiences worldwide. They combine beauty and noise to the point ofapproaching a lush oblivion—a searing sound building on elements fromdream-pop luminaries like My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive, and SmashingPumpkins. It’s becoming increasingly hard to establish a distinctiveapproach within popular music in general, and yet throughout theirdiscography, DIIV’s sound and emotional tenor are unmistakably theirs.Emerging from the fertile early-2010s Brooklyn DIY music scene, DIIVquickly proved themselves as one of the city’s most prominent live actsand have since widened their aesthetic with every successive release.Over the course of three albums, they have incorporated the driving gaitof British guitar pop, the minimalist structures and Motorik rhythms ofGerman psychedelia, metal’s lush fury, and the sonic immersion ofshoegaze into their inviting world of sound.Possessing a bracing and immersive live presence, DIIV are firmlysituated within a deep legacy of boundary-pushing rock bands as theycontinue charting their own path. Their influence can be felt across anew generation of artists pursuing their own punishing bliss, and hasleft its mark on shoegaze and guitar-driven music as DIIV themselvescontinue to cement their legacy as one of North America’s mostformidable rock acts.