Gefördert von Neustart Kultur, der Initiative Musik und der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.
The wait is over! THE BABOON SHOW are finally back with their new album GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Did they become religious? Hell no! THE BABOON SHOW are still on the track of questioning authorities and injustice, in whatever shape they come. GOD BLESS YOU ALL is an endless THE BABOON SHOW rock’n’roll party, exactly how it’s supposed to be. The album is the band’s tenth studio album and many different world topics are being handled in the twelve songs produced by THE BABOON SHOW and Johan Gustafsson, bass player of The Hives. Most of the work making this album took place during the pandemic. It’s been a lot of blood, sweat and tears to say the least. But now GOD BLESS YOU ALL is finally here and Cecilia, Frida, Håkan and Niclas can’t wait to hit the road and see you all soon on tour!
Release date: Friday the 13th of January 2023
Track listing:
Made Up My Mind
God Bless You All
Reason To Go On
Groundhog Day
Have A Party With Me
Sands Of Time
Revolution Avenue
Spiders weave a wild web of reckless and rip-roaring riffs, spellbinding vocals, seductive rhythms, sticky hooks, and punk soul.The five piece band is—Ann-Sofie Hoyles [vocals], John Hoyles (guitar) ex Witchcraft, Rickard Hellgren (Guitar) ex Deadheads Olle Griphammar (bass) ex Deadheads and Oskar Bringmark, Ex Hypnos (drums)Spiders crawled out of their native Gothenburg, Sweden rocking leather and turned up to eleven with the 2012 full length-debut Flash Point. Between a marathon of shows, they unleashed 2014’s Shake Electric powered by the title track. A marathon of touring followed as they ignited audiences alongside everyone from Kvelertak and Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats to Graveyard and Metallica. Their latest album came 2018 and was called Killer Machine and a new album is right now getting recorded with a realesdate sometime during 2023-24. “If Alice Cooper got married to Stevie Nicks, their child would sound like Spiders”