The 5th Beatbox Battle World Championship take place again in Berlin Germany with more than 200 beatboxing artists from over 40 countries, including the USA, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Peru, Russia, South Korea and almost the entire European continent. They all will compete in the categories: Men-, Tag Team-, Women-, Crew- & Loop Station Battle.
FRIDAY 03. AUGUST 2018 (Elimination Day)
14:00 - Doors Open
14:30 - Opening Ceremony
15:00 - Men Elimination
20:00 - Crew Elimination
21:10 - Tag Team Elimination
22:40 - Women Elimination
23:45 - Loop Station Elimination
02:30 - End
- Tom Thum (Australia) World Champion 2005
- Skiller (Bulgaria) World Champion 2012
- Pe4enkata (Bulgaria) World Champion 2012
- ZeDe (Switzerland) World Champion 2009
- Roxorloops (Belgium) Vice-World Champion 2005
- Mando (Germany) Vice-World Champion 2015
- Reeps One (England)- Eklips (France)
- TyTe (England)- Pepouni (Switzerland)
- MC Trix (England)
- Scott Jackson (Canada)
- Bee Low (Germany)
- DJ Mesia (Germany)