
„Rappen übers Rappen steht beim Käptn nicht im Bordbuch, stattdessen Erkundungen der eigenen Psyche und lyrische Forschungsreisen in die deutsche Semantik. Es ist nicht zu fassen: Intelligenter deutscher Rap ist möglich.“ Das schrieb der Musik Express über das Debutalbum von Käptn Peng. Mit ihrer „sehr besonderen Liveband“, der Tentakel von Delphi, hat das Duo einen vollkommen eigenen Klang gefunden, der sowohl aus den unterschiedlichsten musikalischen Stilen, als auch aus der ungewöhnlichen Instrumentierung hervorgeht, aus Haushaltsartikeln wie Bürsten, Töpfen, Gabeln, einem Koffer, einer Stahlsäge, drei Fahrradklingeln und vielem mehr baut sich die filigrane Percussion zusammen.
Rapping about rapping is not in the Captain’s book, instead he commences investigations of his own psyche and lyrical expeditions in German semantics . It is unbelievable: Intelligent German Rap is possible. " So wrote the Music Express about Captain Peng’s debut album . With their "very special live band", the Tentacles of Delphi , the duo has found a completely unique sound, which originates both from different musical styles as well as unusual instrumentation, from household items such as brushes, pots, forks, a suitcase, a steel saw, three bicycle bells and more which form their delicate percussion.
Rapping about rapping is not in the Captain’s book, instead he commences investigations of his own psyche and lyrical expeditions in German semantics . It is unbelievable: Intelligent German Rap is possible. " So wrote the Music Express about Captain Peng’s debut album . With their "very special live band", the Tentacles of Delphi , the duo has found a completely unique sound, which originates both from different musical styles as well as unusual instrumentation, from household items such as brushes, pots, forks, a suitcase, a steel saw, three bicycle bells and more which form their delicate percussion.