Out Of Line präsentiert:

Out Of Line Weekender 2015
Vom 27.-29. März 2015 ist es wieder soweit und der Out Of Line Weekender 2015 findet im
Berliner Astra Kulturhaus statt. Nachdem wir dieses Jahr den bis dato gigantischsten Weekender
mit euch gefeiert haben, war natürlich allen Beteiligten sofort klar: das muss wiederholt werden!
Also haben wir uns sofort in die Spur geworfen, um euch auch für nächstes Jahr wieder ein
exquisites Line Up zusammenzustellen. Diverse Bands sind schon bestätigt und wir denken, dass
ihr von den Namen, die wir bereits bekannt geben können, genauso begeistert sein dürftet, wie wir
es sind: mit Laibach, Agonoize, Hocico, Lord Of The Lost (Akustikshow), Die Form, Heimataerde,
Rummelsnuff, Absolute Body Control, Spiritual Front, Miss Construction, Formalin und Too Dead
To Die konnten wir bereits einige der wichtigsten Gruppen und vielversprechendsten Newcomer
unserer Szene verpflichten und das Line-Up wird natürlich kontinuierlich erweitert werden. Das
Festival findet wieder im Astra Kulturhaus statt, mitten im Zentrum des lebhaften Szene-Bezirkes
Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg und auch für euer leibliches Wohl und ein spannendes Rahmenprogramm
wird wieder gesorgt sein. Ihr könnt ab sofort wieder Wochenendtickets zum gewohnt günstigen
Preis von 49,99€ plus VVK-Gebühr vorbestellen. Also… worauf wartet ihr noch? Wir sehen uns auf
der Party… 2015 in Berlin!
We are happy to announce that we will be hosting the Out Of Line Weekender 2015 from March 27th-29th, 2015 at the Astra Kulturhaus in Berlin. After celebrating the biggest weekender to date with you this year, we all were set on the idea that we will have to repeat this experience next year! Thus, we started putting together an exquisite line up for you right away. We can already confirm some bands for you and we reckon that the names will make you just as excited as we are: with Laibach, Agonoize, Hocico, Lord Of The Lost (Acoustic Show) Die Form, Heimataerde, Rummelsnuff, Absolute Body Control, Spiritual Front, Miss Construction, Formalin and Too Dead To Die, we already have some of the most important names and most promising newcomers on board for the ride and, of course, we will be updating and expanding the line up on a regular basis. The festival will take place once again at the Astra Kulturhaus, right in the middle of the famous “in”-district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and we will also have some culinary options and an interesting aftershow program at the venue for you. We start taking pre-orders for our weekend tickets right now – you can grab them at the fair price of 49.99€ incl. fees. Hence: what are you waiting for? We will see you at the party… 2015 in Berlin!
We are happy to announce that we will be hosting the Out Of Line Weekender 2015 from March 27th-29th, 2015 at the Astra Kulturhaus in Berlin. After celebrating the biggest weekender to date with you this year, we all were set on the idea that we will have to repeat this experience next year! Thus, we started putting together an exquisite line up for you right away. We can already confirm some bands for you and we reckon that the names will make you just as excited as we are: with Laibach, Agonoize, Hocico, Lord Of The Lost (Acoustic Show) Die Form, Heimataerde, Rummelsnuff, Absolute Body Control, Spiritual Front, Miss Construction, Formalin and Too Dead To Die, we already have some of the most important names and most promising newcomers on board for the ride and, of course, we will be updating and expanding the line up on a regular basis. The festival will take place once again at the Astra Kulturhaus, right in the middle of the famous “in”-district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and we will also have some culinary options and an interesting aftershow program at the venue for you. We start taking pre-orders for our weekend tickets right now – you can grab them at the fair price of 49.99€ incl. fees. Hence: what are you waiting for? We will see you at the party… 2015 in Berlin!