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Mit dem Ziel, seinen Helden Judas Priest, KISS und Iron Maiden alle Ehre zu gereichen, wurden ICED EARTH 1985 von Jon Schaffer gegründet (damals noch unter dem Namen Purgatory). Nach einigen Demos erschien 1990 das selbstbetitelte Debut Album mit heavy Riffs für die Ewigkeit auf Century Media Records – und seitdem gab es keinen Blick mehr zurück. Es folgten etliche Meilensteine des Metals, deren unverkennbares Trademark Jons kraftvolle Rhythmusgitarrenarbeit und die schonungslosen Lyrics wurden, die nie ein Blatt vor den Mund nahmen und geschickt Science Fiction, Geschichte und ein gesundes Misstrauen gegenüber jeglichen Autoritäten verbanden. Um seine musikalischen Visionen perfekt umzusetzen, hat Jon Schaffer über die Jahre mit einigen der besten Musiker der Szene zusammengearbeitet – einschließlich der Ausnahmesänger Matt Barlow, Tim Owens und seit Neuestem Stu Block.



Hardly satisfied with any of the new trends in the metal scene, we decided to take a step back and prove that old-school heavy metal is just as fucking heavy, loud, and shreds twice as hard as anything to date. Formed in late 2004, we set out to show the local metal scene that Warbringer was a force to be reckoned with, playing no-holds barred rip-roaring thrash metal. After a 4-song demo and tons of shows with fellow ragers like Merciless Death, Fueled By Fire, Hirax, Dekapitator, and Toxic Holocaust, we released our "One by One the Wicked Fall" EP in October of 2006. Later that year we had the privilege of signing to one of the most respected heavy metal labels in the world, Century Media. We recorded our debut album, "War Without End" in the fall of '07 with Mr. Bill Metoyer (Slayer, Fates Warning, Sacred Reich, Hallows Eve) and went on to appear on a few compilation albums such as Speed Kills...Again, Metal For the Masses 6 and Thrashing Like a Maniac comp with some of the best acts around like Municipal Waste, Toxic Holocaust and Evile. We've been honing our live show into a violent thrash assault touring the US with Exodus, Goatwhore and Arsis in January/February; Nile, Suicide Silence, The Facless and Unexpect in March/April and in Europe with Napalm Death and Suffocation in May/June, which concluded with a week of headline shows in the UK with Gama Bomb. We're playing random shows on the west coast this summer and we've started writing the next album. We'll be going back to Europe in late July to play the Wacken festival and tour with Sworn Enemy and All Shall Perish. We'll be back in the US and Canada in late Aug. - late Oct. doing 2 back to back tours with Finntroll and then Overkill/Toxic Holocaust.
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