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More Than A Thousand was born in Portugal, lives in London, records in Sweden, sings in English and plays universal, driving, contagious rock hard music. The core of this hardworking band has been together since 2001, honing an explosive live show and masterminding a DIY promotional campaign that has built a huge and exuberant following in their native Portugal. They moved to London in 2005 to expand their realities and take their engaging message to a wider audience: The world is a stage and it’s yours to take. More Than A Thousand’s debut album The Hollow, Vol. 2 is a follow up to the EP Trailers Are More Exciting Than Movies. The Hollow, Vol. 2, billed as ‘13 songs about loss, separation and human decay’, is based on the band’s experiences in the last two tumultuous years. Vasco Ramos sings, with occasional help from guitarist Filipe Oliveira. The lineup is rounded out by Sérgio Sousa on guitar, bass player Rui Grenhas and drummer Jorge Felizardo. Filipe, Vasco and Sergio write, with Jorge chipping in on lyrics. The Hollow, Vol. 2 was recorded and produced in 2006 at Toteknik studios in Umea, Sweden, under the supervision of Pelle Henricsson and Eskil Lovström, the team that has produced Refused, Poison The Well, Cult of Luna and Hell Is For Heroes.


Risen from the ashes of "In Memory Of" and "Mingle" A Traitor Like Judas [formerly Parker Frisbee] started breathing in December 2000. Dan and Jan [both formerly in Mingle] teamed up with Bjoern [ex I.M.O.] and Phil to kick some asses. After lots of rehearsing the guys started to rock shows three months later in March 2001. Overwhelming reactions at gigs strengthened their will to perform on stage and get the name A Traitor Like Judas more and more popular. One year later the band made a first big step on their way, playing a European tour with Narziss.

Through their furious live show the guys could convince Erdkampf Records to release their Debut. Six months and many shows later the "Poems For A Dead Man" MCD saw the light of day right before their second european tour, this time sharing vans and stages with Muad'Dib.

After their successful tour Chris joined the band and A Traitor Like Judas joined forces with Winter Recordings in November 2002.

The guys are eagerly writing songs at the moment for their debut full length entitled "Too Desperate To Breathe In" and performing on as much shows as possible. The first output of their writing process [called "Easy To Kill"] will be released early March on a Life Sentence Records compilation.



Mit dem siebten Album der EMIL BULLS in sage und schreibe 16 Jahren Bandgeschichte kann man sicher von einer Ära sprechen. Nur wenige Weggefährten dieser Ausrichtung konnten es auf eine so ausgedehnte Historie bringen und sich eine dermaßen treue und stetig wachsende Fanbase aufbauen. Unzählige Festivals und Shows begeisterten sowohl alte als auch neue Fans, nicht umsonst ist die Band bei Konzertveranstaltern ungemein beliebt, da sie imstande ist, verschiedenste Fanlager zu vereinen. Trends kamen und gingen, der Tod der Rockmusik wurde verkündet, die Auferstehung gefeiert – die EMIL BULLS gingen unbeeindruckt von Strömungen ihren Weg und etablierten sich zur Nummer eins des Landes in ihrem Genre, welches nicht mehr einfach nur mit Alternative Rock bezeichnet werden kann.

OCEANIC, das neue Album der EMIL BULLS wird am 30. September 2011 aus den Untiefen musikalischer Ozeane das Licht der Oberfläche erblicken. Erste Hörproben des Werks sind in Vobereitung und werden noch im August an die Öffentlichkeit getragen.
Die Fahrt durch die sieben Weltmeere ist bereits geplant, in vielen Städten werden die Bulls vor Anker liegen.
Das Album sowie eine Limited Edition Version kann bereits bei Amazon vorbestellt werden!